
Anniina Koivu (A.K): Wataru, you spent a week on Fogo Island in the summer of 2018. What did you expect, coming from Tokyo? Wataru Kumano ...
A Partnership Transforming Heritage into Home In the homes on Fogo Island, wallpaper isn't just a decorative accent; it's a symbol of ...
Connecting the heritage saltbox and modern urban experience In outport Newfoundland, it was not uncommon for larger families to live i...
Place-based Design This year marks the 10th anniversary of Fogo Island Inn, a community-centred social business blending hospitality and s...
The Punt Chair, designed by Elaine Fortin, is on display at a new exhibi...
Outport Aesthetics: The meeting of minds that led to the design of the Fogo Island Inn  By Greg White  Back in late November of 2009 the Shorefast...
Swiss designer Anthony Guex came to Fogo Island by way of Anniina Koivu, Fogo Island Workshops Design Consultant, author, and professor at...
Stitching Culture Back Together By Yvonne Mullock The idea to furnish Fogo Island Inn with locally made quilts was imagined before the Inn’...
Adaption And Culture and The Traditional Furniture of Outport Newfoundland by Walter W. Peddle The vernacular furniture of Newfoundland and L...

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