Bridge Stool
$700Details Specs Inspiration Putting design in its place means even a small space. A Fogo Islander commented “We didn’t have much but enough was enough.” The small salt box houses...
Shed Stool
$800Details Specs Inspiration Putting design in its place means even a small space. A Fogo Islander commented “We didn’t have much but enough was enough.” The shed in Outport Newfoundland...
Bridge Bench
$1,200Details Specs Inspiration Putting design in its place means even a small space. A Fogo Islander commented “We didn’t have much but enough was enough.” The small salt box houses...
Shed High Chair
$1,400–$1,600Details Specs Made To Order 4-6 wks Please select a wood or lacquer finish option from our materials page. After confirmation of purchase, our team will be in contact with...
Shed Chair
$1,200Details Specs Inspiration Putting design in its place means even a small space. A Fogo Islander commented “We didn’t have much but enough was enough.” The shed in Outport Newfoundland...
Shed Counter Stool
$900Details Specs Inspiration Putting design in its place means even a small space. A Fogo Islander commented “We didn’t have much but enough was enough.” The shed in Outport Newfoundland...
Bridge Chair
$1,200Details Specs Inspiration Putting design in its place means even a small space. A Fogo Islander commented “We didn’t have much but enough was enough.” The small salt box houses...
Stage Armchair
$1,600Inspiration Specification Puting design in its place means even a small space. A Fogo Islander commented “We didn’t have much but enough was enough.” The small salt box houses of...
Stilt Chair
$1,700Details Specs Made To Order 14 - 16 wks Please select a wood or lacquer finish from our materials page. After confirmation of purchase, our team will be in contact...
Stage Ottoman
$750Details Specs Inspiration Putting design in its place means even a small space. A Fogo Islander commented “We didn’t have much but enough was enough.” The small salt box houses...