Ernst Hupel
Design Strategist
Mention Ernst’s name to anyone on Fogo Island and watch their eyes light up. Ernst is a long time collaborator and ambassador. He first came to the island as a member of the Inn’s design team, and was on hand when the Inn opened helping to bring it to life in innumerable ways. He’s returned many times since in many guises, and now keeps a home on the island. With his natural affinity and great heart for the entirety of the Shorefast project, Ernst’s talents are woven into housing and heritage restorations, product and partnership development, merchandising, events and shows, and the continued evolution of the Inn’s interior design. He often represents Shorefast’s endeavours out in the world.
Ernst has been a designer for over thirty years and is a principal of the Ottawa based design firm 2H.
Ernst is profiled in the video featured on The Floret.